Tales From Chaucher

I HAVE endeavoured to put these Tales, written by one of the finest poets that ever lived, into modern language and as easy prose as I could, without at the same time destroying the poetical descriptions and strong natural expressions of the author. My object in pre- senting them in this new form was, first, that you might become wise and good by the example of the sweet and kind creatures you will find described in them; secondly, that you might derive improvement by the beautiful writing (for I have been careful to use the language of Chaucer whenever I thought it not too anti- quated for modern and young readers); and, lastly, I hoped to excite in you an ambition to read these same stories in their original poetical dress when you shall have become so far ac- quainted with your own language as to under- stand, without much difficulty, the old and now almost forgotten terms.


Tales From Chaucher


I HAVE endeavoured to put these Tales, written by one of the finest poets that ever lived, into modern language and as easy prose as I could, without at the same time destroying the poetical descriptions and strong natural expressions of the author. My object in pre- senting them in this new form was, first, that you might become wise and good by the example of the sweet and kind creatures you will find described in them; secondly, that you might derive improvement by the beautiful writing (for I have been careful to use the language of Chaucer whenever I thought it not too anti- quated for modern and young readers); and, lastly, I hoped to excite in you an ambition to read these same stories in their original poetical dress when you shall have become so far ac- quainted with your own language as to under- stand, without much difficulty, the old and now almost forgotten terms.

Tales From Chaucher de Cowden Clarke. Collins’ Clear-Type Presso. Inglaterra, s.d., 355 págs. Dura.


Sem apontamentos.


I HAVE endeavoured to put these Tales, written by one of the finest poets that ever lived, into modern language and as easy prose as I could, without at the same time destroying the poetical descriptions and strong natural expressions of the author. My object in pre- senting them in this new form was, first, that you might become wise and good by the example of the sweet and kind creatures you will find described in them; secondly, that you might derive improvement by the beautiful writing (for I have been careful to use the language of Chaucer whenever I thought it not too anti- quated for modern and young readers); and, lastly, I hoped to excite in you an ambition to read these same stories in their original poetical dress when you shall have become so far ac- quainted with your own language as to under- stand, without much difficulty, the old and now almost forgotten terms.

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Éden Palace, 1941; Hotel do Facho, 1964. Numa praia portuguesa, cruzam-se e perdem-se personagens. São um judeu argelino, um marinheiro filipino, um marchand inglês, uma refugiada norueguesa, um agente da PIDE. Partilham tangentes, cruzam-se por desencontros, transportam fantasmas. São náufragos de muitos sítios e de várias vidas. Surgem do sonho, da imaginação ou da memória. […]


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