
Taking Care of EBusiness

In Taking Care of eBusiness, Siebel System’s founder, chairman, and CEO, Tom Siebel shows how these and other market leaders are applying information and communication technology to better understand and satisfy their customers. Thanks to today’s eBusiness technology, organizations can conduct business in any way their customers want; anytime, anywhere, in any language and currency, and through any channel. In today’s competitive climate, that ability, says Siebel, is no longer just an option; it is a matter of business survival.
The age of eBusiness is in truth the age of the customer. Today’s empowered customers are able to switch to the competition with unprecedented ease and speed. Nothing is more critical for business success, therefore, than delivering the highest levels of customer satisfaction.


Taking Care of EBusiness


In Taking Care of eBusiness, Siebel System’s founder, chairman, and CEO, Tom Siebel shows how these and other market leaders are applying information and communication technology to better understand and satisfy their customers. Thanks to today’s eBusiness technology, organizations can conduct business in any way their customers want; anytime, anywhere, in any language and currency, and through any channel. In today’s competitive climate, that ability, says Siebel, is no longer just an option; it is a matter of business survival.
The age of eBusiness is in truth the age of the customer. Today’s empowered customers are able to switch to the competition with unprecedented ease and speed. Nothing is more critical for business success, therefore, than delivering the highest levels of customer satisfaction.

Taking Care of EBusiness de Thomas M. Siebel. Doubleday. New York, 2001, 257 págs. Encadernação Editorial. Sobrecapa.


In Taking Care of eBusiness, Siebel System’s founder, chairman, and CEO, Tom Siebel shows how these and other market leaders are applying information and communication technology to better understand and satisfy their customers. Thanks to today’s eBusiness technology, organizations can conduct business in any way their customers want; anytime, anywhere, in any language and currency, and through any channel. In today’s competitive climate, that ability, says Siebel, is no longer just an option; it is a matter of business survival.
The age of eBusiness is in truth the age of the customer. Today’s empowered customers are able to switch to the competition with unprecedented ease and speed. Nothing is more critical for business success, therefore, than delivering the highest levels of customer satisfaction.

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