
Our Friend the Alsatian

“The progress of the Alsatian’s popularity T as a friend in the family has been greatly hampered, not so much by any shortcomings of the dog himself as by the misdeeds unjustly imputed to him by the enemies of the breed. Alsatians are ‘treacherous’, they say-and if this is said in the hearing of an admirer of the breed the Alsatian-haters counter the inevitable challenge by saying, ‘Well, you know he’s a one-man dog. How an utter unswerving loyalty and faithfulness to one master, a complete disregard of self, a consistency in friend- ship rarely found in a human being, can be described as treachery’ passes comprehension.”


Our Friend the Alsatian


“The progress of the Alsatian’s popularity T as a friend in the family has been greatly hampered, not so much by any shortcomings of the dog himself as by the misdeeds unjustly imputed to him by the enemies of the breed. Alsatians are ‘treacherous’, they say-and if this is said in the hearing of an admirer of the breed the Alsatian-haters counter the inevitable challenge by saying, ‘Well, you know he’s a one-man dog. How an utter unswerving loyalty and faithfulness to one master, a complete disregard of self, a consistency in friend- ship rarely found in a human being, can be described as treachery’ passes comprehension.”

Our Friend the Alsatian de Rownland Jones [Ed.]. Methuen & Co. London, 1933, 88 págs. Dura.


Sem apontamentos.


“The progress of the Alsatian’s popularity T as a friend in the family has been greatly hampered, not so much by any shortcomings of the dog himself as by the misdeeds unjustly imputed to him by the enemies of the breed. Alsatians are ‘treacherous’, they say-and if this is said in the hearing of an admirer of the breed the Alsatian-haters counter the inevitable challenge by saying, ‘Well, you know he’s a one-man dog. How an utter unswerving loyalty and faithfulness to one master, a complete disregard of self, a consistency in friend- ship rarely found in a human being, can be described as treachery’ passes comprehension.”

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