
Marketing Communications

There are numerous practitioner-based books that tell readers how to do marketing communications. This book seeks to provide an alternative, perhaps more challenging perspective to the subject, being written from an academic perspective. It seeks to bring together aspects of both marketing and corporate communications on the basis that relationship marketing principles will continue to be the dominant paradigm


Marketing Communications

There are numerous practitioner-based books that tell readers how to do marketing communications. This book seeks to provide an alternative, perhaps more challenging perspective to the subject, being written from an academic perspective. It seeks to bring together aspects of both marketing and corporate communications on the basis that relationship marketing principles will continue to be the dominant paradigm


Marketing Communications de Chris Fill. Prentice Hall Europe. Espanha, 1998, 656 págs. Mole.


Com assinatura de posse.


There are numerous practitioner-based books that tell readers how to do marketing communications. This book seeks to provide an alternative, perhaps more challenging perspective to the subject, being written from an academic perspective. It seeks to bring together aspects of both marketing and corporate communications on the basis that relationship marketing principles will continue to be the dominant paradigm

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Peso 1375 g



Capital: Conceitos Fundamentais

Em O Capital: conceitos fundamentais, que constitui a primeira e a segunda parte deste volume, Marta Harnecker mostra com grande precisão a validade teórica actual de O Capital e propõe um plano rigoroso de leitura, destinado a orientar. os que começam o estudo desta obra. A terceira parte do livro corresponde ao Manual de Economia […]


Banda Desenhada

X-Men - O Filme

Agora que os Espantosos X-Men passaram ao grande écr?, não podes perder a história do filme, contada em BD neste número super-especial da Marvel em português! Fica a saber como é que o Wolverine e a Vampira se juntaram aos X-Men, o plano diabólico do Magneto para dominar o mundo e assiste ao confronto entre […]




O presente volume mostra todas as facetas de Portugal ao longo de 161 fotografias a cores e, acrescido de um apêndice com sugestões práticas e informações, convida o leitor para uma viagem inesquecível.


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