
London – Then and Now

London, the capital and heart of Britain, is an exciting and constantly developing city. London Then and Now compact edition explores London’s landscape, past and present, through the eye of the camera. Some 70 historic photographs of London’s past are paired with specially commissioned contemporary views taken from the same vantage point. 

 The book features the fascinating vistas of London that have changed little and some that have changed radically, from the regeneration of the south bank, the docklands in the east to the transformation of a power station into Tate Modern. 
 Part of the bestselling ‘Then and Now’ series, which is now available in compact format, this charming contrast of old and new photographs highlights the stunning changes – and the equally amazing similarities – of one of the most loved cities in Britain, its well-known places but also some of the hidden gems.


London – Then and Now


London, the capital and heart of Britain, is an exciting and constantly developing city. London Then and Now compact edition explores London’s landscape, past and present, through the eye of the camera. Some 70 historic photographs of London’s past are paired with specially commissioned contemporary views taken from the same vantage point. 

 The book features the fascinating vistas of London that have changed little and some that have changed radically, from the regeneration of the south bank, the docklands in the east to the transformation of a power station into Tate Modern. 
 Part of the bestselling ‘Then and Now’ series, which is now available in compact format, this charming contrast of old and new photographs highlights the stunning changes – and the equally amazing similarities – of one of the most loved cities in Britain, its well-known places but also some of the hidden gems.

London – Then and Now de Diane Burstein. Thunder Bay. San Diego, 2003, 144 págs. Dura.


Sem apontamentos.


London, the capital and heart of Britain, is an exciting and constantly developing city. London Then and Now compact edition explores London’s landscape, past and present, through the eye of the camera. Some 70 historic photographs of London’s past are paired with specially commissioned contemporary views taken from the same vantage point. 

 The book features the fascinating vistas of London that have changed little and some that have changed radically, from the regeneration of the south bank, the docklands in the east to the transformation of a power station into Tate Modern. 
 Part of the bestselling ‘Then and Now’ series, which is now available in compact format, this charming contrast of old and new photographs highlights the stunning changes – and the equally amazing similarities – of one of the most loved cities in Britain, its well-known places but also some of the hidden gems.

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