
Engineering Economics

The fourth edition of this text continues to be a comprehensive, authoritative and interesting resource for introductory and advanced courses in Engineering Economics. This new edition has streamlined the material into 15 accessible, readable chapters. The sequence of chapters flows through: 1) Fundamentals required for economic analysis; 2) Structural/procedures for performing those analyses; 3) Specific considerations for the public sector; 4) Depreciation and income tax considerations; 5) Inflation/considerations; and 6) Advanced concepts, including risk and decision. An emphasis on a clear, interesting writing style with numerous examples and review exercises offsets traditional ideas that the subject matter can be dull.


Engineering Economics


The fourth edition of this text continues to be a comprehensive, authoritative and interesting resource for introductory and advanced courses in Engineering Economics. This new edition has streamlined the material into 15 accessible, readable chapters. The sequence of chapters flows through: 1) Fundamentals required for economic analysis; 2) Structural/procedures for performing those analyses; 3) Specific considerations for the public sector; 4) Depreciation and income tax considerations; 5) Inflation/considerations; and 6) Advanced concepts, including risk and decision. An emphasis on a clear, interesting writing style with numerous examples and review exercises offsets traditional ideas that the subject matter can be dull.

Engineering Economics de James L. Riggs. McGraw-Hill. Estados Unidos da América, 1996, 661 págs. Dura. 4ª Edição.


Sem apontamentos.


The fourth edition of this text continues to be a comprehensive, authoritative and interesting resource for introductory and advanced courses in Engineering Economics. This new edition has streamlined the material into 15 accessible, readable chapters. The sequence of chapters flows through: 1) Fundamentals required for economic analysis; 2) Structural/procedures for performing those analyses; 3) Specific considerations for the public sector; 4) Depreciation and income tax considerations; 5) Inflation/considerations; and 6) Advanced concepts, including risk and decision. An emphasis on a clear, interesting writing style with numerous examples and review exercises offsets traditional ideas that the subject matter can be dull.

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