
Doing Pragmatics

Doing Pragmatics achieved success through its unparalleled capacity to render pragmatics truly accessible to students. Embracing the comprehensive and engaging style which characterised the previous editions, the third edition is fully revised and expanded. Grundy consolidates the strengths of the original version, reinforcing its unique combination of theory and practice with new theory, exercises and up-to-date, real data and examples. New chapters include pragmatic inference and language evolution, and intercultural pragmatics. Doing Pragmatics is designed for pragmatics courses both at an introductory and a more advanced level. It extends beyond theory to promote an applied understanding of empirical data and to provide students with the opportunity to ‘do’ pragmatics themselves, providing the ideal foundation for all those studying linguistics and ELT


Doing Pragmatics


Doing Pragmatics achieved success through its unparalleled capacity to render pragmatics truly accessible to students. Embracing the comprehensive and engaging style which characterised the previous editions, the third edition is fully revised and expanded. Grundy consolidates the strengths of the original version, reinforcing its unique combination of theory and practice with new theory, exercises and up-to-date, real data and examples. New chapters include pragmatic inference and language evolution, and intercultural pragmatics. Doing Pragmatics is designed for pragmatics courses both at an introductory and a more advanced level. It extends beyond theory to promote an applied understanding of empirical data and to provide students with the opportunity to ‘do’ pragmatics themselves, providing the ideal foundation for all those studying linguistics and ELT

Título: Doing Pragmatics
Autor: Peter Grundy
Edição: Edward Arnold
Ano: 1995
Páginas: 216
Encadernação: Mole
ISBN: 0-340-58965-5


Doing Pragmatics achieved success through its unparalleled capacity to render pragmatics truly accessible to students. Embracing the comprehensive and engaging style which characterised the previous editions, the third edition is fully revised and expanded. Grundy consolidates the strengths of the original version, reinforcing its unique combination of theory and practice with new theory, exercises and up-to-date, real data and examples. New chapters include pragmatic inference and language evolution, and intercultural pragmatics. Doing Pragmatics is designed for pragmatics courses both at an introductory and a more advanced level. It extends beyond theory to promote an applied understanding of empirical data and to provide students with the opportunity to ‘do’ pragmatics themselves, providing the ideal foundation for all those studying linguistics and ELT

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Peso 301 g


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