
Children of the New Forest

Follow the adventures of the four Beverley children as they lose their home and have to navigate life as paupers through the New Forest! The following excerpt shows the mindset of the man who rescued the children – He had no fear, if his life was spared, that they would do well; but if he should be called away before they had grown up and were able to help themselves, they might perish. Edward was not fourteen years old; it was true that he was an active, brave boy, and thoughtful for his years; but he had not yet strength or skill sufficient for what would be required. Humphrey, the second, also promised well; but still they were all children. “I must bring them up to be useful—to depend upon themselves; there is not a moment to be lost, and not a moment shall be lost; I will do my best, and trust to God; I ask but two or three years, and by that time I trust that they will be able to do without me. They must commence to-morrow the life of foresters’ children.” – compelling to this day! A fantastic addition to any vintage library!


Children of the New Forest


Follow the adventures of the four Beverley children as they lose their home and have to navigate life as paupers through the New Forest! The following excerpt shows the mindset of the man who rescued the children – He had no fear, if his life was spared, that they would do well; but if he should be called away before they had grown up and were able to help themselves, they might perish. Edward was not fourteen years old; it was true that he was an active, brave boy, and thoughtful for his years; but he had not yet strength or skill sufficient for what would be required. Humphrey, the second, also promised well; but still they were all children. “I must bring them up to be useful—to depend upon themselves; there is not a moment to be lost, and not a moment shall be lost; I will do my best, and trust to God; I ask but two or three years, and by that time I trust that they will be able to do without me. They must commence to-morrow the life of foresters’ children.” – compelling to this day! A fantastic addition to any vintage library!

Children of the New Forest de Captain Marryat. Collin’s Clear – Type Press. London, 399 págs. Encadernação Editorial. Ilustrado.

Sem apontamentos


Follow the adventures of the four Beverley children as they lose their home and have to navigate life as paupers through the New Forest! The following excerpt shows the mindset of the man who rescued the children – He had no fear, if his life was spared, that they would do well; but if he should be called away before they had grown up and were able to help themselves, they might perish. Edward was not fourteen years old; it was true that he was an active, brave boy, and thoughtful for his years; but he had not yet strength or skill sufficient for what would be required. Humphrey, the second, also promised well; but still they were all children. “I must bring them up to be useful—to depend upon themselves; there is not a moment to be lost, and not a moment shall be lost; I will do my best, and trust to God; I ask but two or three years, and by that time I trust that they will be able to do without me. They must commence to-morrow the life of foresters’ children.” – compelling to this day! A fantastic addition to any vintage library!

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