
Ancient Egypt

This new visual and textual guide to the civilisation ruled by the Pharaohs has been written by the

staff of the Egyptian department at the British Museum. Their authoritative account again covers every aspect of the culture from prehistoric times through the three millennia of Pharaonic history to the years of late Roman antiquity when Christianity replaced the ancient religion, script and art. Taking account of recent discoveries and research, the authors draw on the extensive Egyptian collections of the British Museum to illustrate the many faces of one of the most magnificent of ancient kingdoms. Individual sections are devoted to the natural setting of the Nile valley; the social and economic life of its inhabitants, with an historical outline; the religious beliefs presented in ancient art and texts; the funerary practices of the ancient Egyptians; their distinctive and harmonious art and architecture; technical achievements in working local and imported materials; and the world around the ancient Egyptians, in particular the less well known but equally brilliant history of Nubia, the southern neighbour of the Pharaohs.

Written by the Keeper and staff of the Department of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum.

SKU 20240205_1357 Tema: , Autor:


Ancient Egypt


This new visual and textual guide to the civilisation ruled by the Pharaohs has been written by the

staff of the Egyptian department at the British Museum. Their authoritative account again covers every aspect of the culture from prehistoric times through the three millennia of Pharaonic history to the years of late Roman antiquity when Christianity replaced the ancient religion, script and art. Taking account of recent discoveries and research, the authors draw on the extensive Egyptian collections of the British Museum to illustrate the many faces of one of the most magnificent of ancient kingdoms. Individual sections are devoted to the natural setting of the Nile valley; the social and economic life of its inhabitants, with an historical outline; the religious beliefs presented in ancient art and texts; the funerary practices of the ancient Egyptians; their distinctive and harmonious art and architecture; technical achievements in working local and imported materials; and the world around the ancient Egyptians, in particular the less well known but equally brilliant history of Nubia, the southern neighbour of the Pharaohs.

Written by the Keeper and staff of the Department of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum.

SKU 20240205_1357 Tema: , Autor:

Ancient Egypt de Stephen Quirke e Jeffrey Spencer. British Museum Press. London, 1997, 240 págs. Mole.


Sem apontamentos.


This new visual and textual guide to the civilisation ruled by the Pharaohs has been written by the

staff of the Egyptian department at the British Museum. Their authoritative account again covers every aspect of the culture from prehistoric times through the three millennia of Pharaonic history to the years of late Roman antiquity when Christianity replaced the ancient religion, script and art. Taking account of recent discoveries and research, the authors draw on the extensive Egyptian collections of the British Museum to illustrate the many faces of one of the most magnificent of ancient kingdoms. Individual sections are devoted to the natural setting of the Nile valley; the social and economic life of its inhabitants, with an historical outline; the religious beliefs presented in ancient art and texts; the funerary practices of the ancient Egyptians; their distinctive and harmonious art and architecture; technical achievements in working local and imported materials; and the world around the ancient Egyptians, in particular the less well known but equally brilliant history of Nubia, the southern neighbour of the Pharaohs.

Written by the Keeper and staff of the Department of Egyptian Antiquities at the British Museum.

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