
When Least is Best

What is the best way to photograph a speeding bullet? Why does light move through glass in the least amount of time possible? How can lost hikers find their way out of a forest? What will rainbows look like in the future? Why do soap bubbles have a shape that gives them the least area?


When Least is Best


What is the best way to photograph a speeding bullet? Why does light move through glass in the least amount of time possible? How can lost hikers find their way out of a forest? What will rainbows look like in the future? Why do soap bubbles have a shape that gives them the least area?

Título: When Least is Best
Autor: Paul J. Nahin
Edição: Princeton University Press
Ano: 2004
Páginas: 370
Encadernação: Dura
ISBN: 0-691-07078-4



Sem apontamentos


What is the best way to photograph a speeding bullet? Why does light move through glass in the least amount of time possible? How can lost hikers find their way out of a forest? What will rainbows look like in the future? Why do soap bubbles have a shape that gives them the least area?

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Peso 710 g



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