
Lakeland Life: in the 1940s and 1950

The Lake District has always been an inspiration for photographers. Its mountains and valleys and those who live and work in them have fuelled the imagination of anybody armed with a camera. Often it is the romantic image which appeals: the sunset over the lake, the shepherd in the high fells, that which is unusual, breathtaking and beautiful.


Lakeland Life: in the 1940s and 1950


The Lake District has always been an inspiration for photographers. Its mountains and valleys and those who live and work in them have fuelled the imagination of anybody armed with a camera. Often it is the romantic image which appeals: the sunset over the lake, the shepherd in the high fells, that which is unusual, breathtaking and beautiful.

Lakeland Life: in the 1940s and 1950 de Gwen Bertelsman. Martin Varley. Devon, 2003, 144 págs. Dura.


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The Lake District has always been an inspiration for photographers. Its mountains and valleys and those who live and work in them have fuelled the imagination of anybody armed with a camera. Often it is the romantic image which appeals: the sunset over the lake, the shepherd in the high fells, that which is unusual, breathtaking and beautiful.

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