International Public Health

By emphasizing diseases, programs, health systems, and health policies, this detailed revision helps readers understand the wide range of global public health issues and the various approaches nations adopt to deal with them. This title explores the public health problems facing low- and middle-income countries today, and identifies their three greatest challenges: reproductive health, infectious disease, and nutrition.


International Public Health


By emphasizing diseases, programs, health systems, and health policies, this detailed revision helps readers understand the wide range of global public health issues and the various approaches nations adopt to deal with them. This title explores the public health problems facing low- and middle-income countries today, and identifies their three greatest challenges: reproductive health, infectious disease, and nutrition.

International Public Health de Michael H. Merson. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Estados Unidos da América, 2006, 730 págs. Dura.


Sem apontamentos.


By emphasizing diseases, programs, health systems, and health policies, this detailed revision helps readers understand the wide range of global public health issues and the various approaches nations adopt to deal with them. This title explores the public health problems facing low- and middle-income countries today, and identifies their three greatest challenges: reproductive health, infectious disease, and nutrition.

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Peso 2050 g


1ª Edição

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