

This painting by Werner Anton shows what was known as the “original shipyard” of Blohm & Voss in 1881, founded by the engineers Hermann Blohm and Ernst Voss in 1877 on the green marshy island of Kuhwerder in the River Elbe. This island was amalgamated with Steinwerder at the turn of the century. The picture shows the barque FLORA ex NATIONAL (Construction No. 1), built for the firm’s own account but subsequently pur- chased by Martin Garlieb Amsinck. The same applies to the sail steamer ROSARIO (Construction No. 9, left in picture), which Amsinck acquired for the Hamburg-Süd company. In the fore- ground, Construction No. 2: the small paddle steamer ELBE, built for the Stade-Altländer Dampfschifffahrts- und Rhederei- Gesellschaft.




This painting by Werner Anton shows what was known as the “original shipyard” of Blohm & Voss in 1881, founded by the engineers Hermann Blohm and Ernst Voss in 1877 on the green marshy island of Kuhwerder in the River Elbe. This island was amalgamated with Steinwerder at the turn of the century. The picture shows the barque FLORA ex NATIONAL (Construction No. 1), built for the firm’s own account but subsequently pur- chased by Martin Garlieb Amsinck. The same applies to the sail steamer ROSARIO (Construction No. 9, left in picture), which Amsinck acquired for the Hamburg-Süd company. In the fore- ground, Construction No. 2: the small paddle steamer ELBE, built for the Stade-Altländer Dampfschifffahrts- und Rhederei- Gesellschaft.

Bloom+Voss: Ships and Machinery for the World de Hans Georg Prager. Koehlers Verlagsgesellschaft. Alemanha, 1977, 271 págs. Dura.


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This painting by Werner Anton shows what was known as the “original shipyard” of Blohm & Voss in 1881, founded by the engineers Hermann Blohm and Ernst Voss in 1877 on the green marshy island of Kuhwerder in the River Elbe. This island was amalgamated with Steinwerder at the turn of the century. The picture shows the barque FLORA ex NATIONAL (Construction No. 1), built for the firm’s own account but subsequently pur- chased by Martin Garlieb Amsinck. The same applies to the sail steamer ROSARIO (Construction No. 9, left in picture), which Amsinck acquired for the Hamburg-Süd company. In the fore- ground, Construction No. 2: the small paddle steamer ELBE, built for the Stade-Altländer Dampfschifffahrts- und Rhederei- Gesellschaft.

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Peso 1025 g



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