
Journal Intime

These selections from George Sand’s journals form an integrated whole and show Sand as a woman, lover, mother, artist, politician, chatelaine, and friend. Sand’s journal writing is thought by many to be her most expressive and natural; here the artist’s most complex and interesting character is George Sand herself.

SKU 20240117_1238 Tema: Autor:


Journal Intime


These selections from George Sand’s journals form an integrated whole and show Sand as a woman, lover, mother, artist, politician, chatelaine, and friend. Sand’s journal writing is thought by many to be her most expressive and natural; here the artist’s most complex and interesting character is George Sand herself.

SKU 20240117_1238 Tema: Autor:

Journal Intime de George Sand. Calman-Lévy Editeurs. Paris, 1926, 232 págs. Encadernado.

[1ª Edição]


These selections from George Sand’s journals form an integrated whole and show Sand as a woman, lover, mother, artist, politician, chatelaine, and friend. Sand’s journal writing is thought by many to be her most expressive and natural; here the artist’s most complex and interesting character is George Sand herself.

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Peso 375 g



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