
Art of Kamasutra

Sexuality is acknowledged as a form of psychic energy which can legitimately find expression in myriad ways, ranging from tender romantic love and conjugal concord to straightforward lust.

This book combines the Hindu sage Vatsyayana’s celebrated treatise with illustrations on the theme of sexual pleasure. The Kamasutra, ever since it was brought out of its seclusion in Sanskrit scholarship by Burton’s masterly translation, has informed and delighted generations of readers. Shankar Barua’s retelling of Vatsyayana’s The Kamasutra is both jaunty and pragmatic, its analysis of sexual politics often chillingly realistic. The intention of this work was to provide instruction as well as enjoyment


Art of Kamasutra


Sexuality is acknowledged as a form of psychic energy which can legitimately find expression in myriad ways, ranging from tender romantic love and conjugal concord to straightforward lust.

This book combines the Hindu sage Vatsyayana’s celebrated treatise with illustrations on the theme of sexual pleasure. The Kamasutra, ever since it was brought out of its seclusion in Sanskrit scholarship by Burton’s masterly translation, has informed and delighted generations of readers. Shankar Barua’s retelling of Vatsyayana’s The Kamasutra is both jaunty and pragmatic, its analysis of sexual politics often chillingly realistic. The intention of this work was to provide instruction as well as enjoyment

Art of Kamasutra de Shankar Barua. Lustre Press. India, 1995, 95 págs. Dura.


Sexuality is acknowledged as a form of psychic energy which can legitimately find expression in myriad ways, ranging from tender romantic love and conjugal concord to straightforward lust.

This book combines the Hindu sage Vatsyayana’s celebrated treatise with illustrations on the theme of sexual pleasure. The Kamasutra, ever since it was brought out of its seclusion in Sanskrit scholarship by Burton’s masterly translation, has informed and delighted generations of readers. Shankar Barua’s retelling of Vatsyayana’s The Kamasutra is both jaunty and pragmatic, its analysis of sexual politics often chillingly realistic. The intention of this work was to provide instruction as well as enjoyment

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